We Want to Hear From You!
Because you believe in quality, independent journalism, thought-provoking opinion articles, and resources rarely seen anywhere else, Adventist Today has grown into a highly-regarded source of information for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
To better serve you, and so many new readers who want to access our expanding array of resources, we have been increasing what we have to offer. No doubt you have been noticing these changes since the first of the year.
We announced recently our new membership model, where readers do more than subscribe to a printed magazine. Now, we are asking for your support as members of the Adventist Today movement.
We have three levels of membership.
- Supporting Member: $75/year or $20/quarter
- Sustaining Member: $169/year or $15/month
- Advising Member: $549/year or $50/month
Please click through to these membership pages, and become a member today. We count on your support!
Monte Sahlin
CEO/Executive Director
Adventist Today Foundation