The Joys of Sex
by Carsten Thomsen | 3 January 2023 |
Whether Christian or not, many carry a lot of negative baggage about sex, its dangers, risks, and sinfulness, along with guilt and shadows of condemnation of your thoughts and actions.
Yes, sex can be misused and abused. But of course, so can food, drink, exercise, and religion.
So why not take a fresh, positive look at sex? Here are ten truths about sex that make it clear it is part of God’s plan for us, and nothing to be ashamed of or avoided.
- God created sex.
Sex is central to the creation story of Genesis. Male and female created He them. Be fruitful and multiply. And it was very good!
How dare we throw dirt on God’s marvelous crowning work of creation! Instead of being guilty of this blasphemy against God, we should thank Him and praise Him, in sermons, songs, and prayers, as well as under the covers.
2. Sex makes us co-creators.
With sex, God has given us the divine privilege of participating in the act of creation. In the mind-blowing mystical processes of intercourse, two cells join as one, merged into the seed of a new human being. This miraculous process of starting a new life, culminating in the birth of a baby who is created not only in the parents’ collective image, but in God’s image, transcends any technological feat of mankind. We are divinely privileged to be co-creators with God.
3. Sex makes us responsible.
The conception, birth, and raising of a child initiates a challenging but rewarding responsibility. Our greatest responsibility in these environmentally focused times is to ensure that we lovingly and thoughtfully raise our children to follow the Creator’s mandate to take care of all of His creation. We nurture, cuddle, nudge, feed and care, and provide an environment of growth and challenges that ultimately enables our child to become a responsible, loving adult, capable of repeating the creative gift of parenthood.
4. Sex makes us happy.
God gave us sex not only to procreate. He made it enjoyable so that it lifts our spirits, reduces stress, gives us joy in times of darkness, and fills body and mind with a fantastic afterglow that spills over into daily life, enjoyable and fulfilling.
Sex activates the body’s built-in pharmacy to produce happy, healing prescription-free chemicals that lift our mood and fill our life. And sex has a magical way of erasing minor irritations in our relationship.
5. Sex is healthy.
The positive mental health created by sex is synergistic with our physical well-being. Not only is sex a healthy cardio-vascular exercise, it enhances sleep and rest, cleanses our body from the toxins of stress and fatigue, and creates joy in life, filling us with energy and creativity.
And as many have discovered, being in good physical form is symbiotic with a good sexual experience.
6. Sex bonds us.
Satisfying sex is based on listening to each other, exploring each other’s pleasures, and lovingly respecting mutual boundaries. It embodies the tantalizing joy of “playing together”, tickling, teasing, caressing, and caring. Sex seeks not its own, is patient, giving, and at times wondrously explosive. At other times it is quietly sedate, comforting and soothing. The magical dance of foreplay and sex is beautiful, accompanied with sweet music that enhances every aspect of life.
7. Sexual desire is good.
Just like the anticipation of a good meal makes one’s mouth water, so the desire for sex creates positive expectations and enhances the quality of the union. The word “lust” carries so much negative baggage that it should be banned. Instead, let’s celebrate sexual desire as a God-given driver—not only to procreate, but to experience a deep togetherness that strengthens our relationships and permeates every moment of togetherness.
8. “The Song of Solomon” is erotic.
Read the book again. Forget the spiritual allegories often used to cover up its blush-inducing passages. Celebrate its unabashed longings of two people or one other, the beautiful descriptions of bodies, the poetic heights of lovemaking and literary longings that lead to erotic paradise. Enjoy reading those verses for your partner, praising your special one for their beautiful body, lovely eyes, seductive smile, and stimulating caresses. It’s all in the words of the Bible, given by God for us to enjoy.
9. The books of Chronicles celebrate sex.
Behind the seemingly endless genealogies of strange names who begat whom, is sex. Sex created their children. Sex is the glue that binds parents together, that builds and maintains strong, healthy families that value and respect each other across multiple generations. This beautiful bonding, cemented by loving sex, spills over from parents to families and society at large. The traditions, values, and heritage of family are the threads that weave the fabric of society.
10. Sex is not only about orgasms.
Sex is not a mountain to climb, but an exhilarating journey where we explore different landscapes and enjoy breathtaking experiences. Cuddling, caressing, and caring is part of that trip, with or without orgasms. Our relationships are not saved by wonderful sex, but great sex is the result of loving relationships. The journey of loving in mutual pleasure leads us to magnificent places in a strong physical, emotional, and deeply spiritual experience.
Sex was created by God for us. Be thankful for the joys of sex, its positive effects on health, relationships, and deep spiritual and emotional values.
Carsten Thomsen is a retired engineer active in the Nærum church in Denmark.