The 2021 AT Year-End Fundraiser Ends Today! Have You Given?
Dear AT Family,
We are completely blown away by your giving during our 2021 Adventist Today Year-End Fundraiser. Thank you for supporting us so generously.
You have shown that what AT offers is deeply meaningful to you. You have proven again that accessible, independent journalism, open-minded discussion, critical thinking and accepting, and international community building are worthy of your support.
We’ve said it many times before but we’ll say it again because it’s so true: YOU are the reason we can keep growing AT. You are the reason we are willing to stick our necks out and talk about what so many other publishers can’t or won’t discuss.
Thank you for supporting us, especially during this, our biggest fundraiser of the year. God is working through you to build the future of independent Adventist journalism and authentic, international fellowship.
Our year-end fundraiser ends today. If you haven’t had a chance to donate yet, today is your opportunity! Thank you for giving from your heart to build the future of AT.
Have a very, very Happy New Year!!
Your grateful AT fundraising director,
Bjorn Karlman