SATIRE – Adventist Husband Celebrates 24 Hours of Being Right While Wife at Women’s Retreat
Not since his single days has Adventist business owner Chase Lindgren enjoyed such an uninterrupted period of flawless decision making. After his wife took off for her women’s retreat this morning, Lindgren marveled at his ability to prepare a healthy (microwave pizza) lunch, take a well-deserved (and completely necessary) two-hour nap and put off paying any bills until he felt more in the zone for that kind of thing. Feeling entirely validated in his enlightened thinking, Lindgren decided it would be selfish to hoard his knowledge. He proceeded to treat his modest Facebook following to pearls of wisdom on everything from Zoom etiquette to proper 13th Sabbath offering allocation. Before calling his associate pastor (and theological nemesis) to set him straight on last generation theology, Lindgren took a moment to savor his fleeting season of correctness.
This article originally appeared on BarelyAdventist, a humor and satire site for Adventists who believe in laughter.