Dreamcatcher, Part 3: From Dreamer to Interpreter
By S M Chen, posted 11-10-16 by D Kovacs
Some of what I now tell you Joseph related years later.
Despite what I have mentioned about him, he was not bad. In fact, quite the opposite. He may have been spoiled, and had the bad judgment of youth, but his virtue was not lacking.
When he described his temptation in the household of Potiphar, I shuddered. I knew I would not have been able to resist. But then, I am not Joseph, and neither are any of my other brothers. I am quite sure we would not have been used by Yahweh the way Joseph was.
After Joseph was cast in prison (I rather doubt Potiphar truly believed his wife’s accusation; had he, Joseph might well have lost his life rather than just his freedom), his conduct, as it had been in the house of Potiphar, was so exemplary he became supervisor.
It was then that, rather than dream himself, he became the interpreter of the dreams of others.
Two of Pharaoh’s officers became imprisoned with Joseph. He noticed they seemed sad, and inquired as to the reason.
They each had had a dream, and were perplexed as to its meaning. Joseph said, “Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dream.”
The chief butler went first.
Joseph correctly interpreted his dream. After which he implored the butler, upon his release from incarceration, to mention him to Pharaoh, for Joseph had been falsely accused and was unjustly imprisoned. The butler, perhaps in the haste of his restoration to his former position, forgot Joseph. But Yahweh did not.
The chief baker was less fortunate. Also in three days’ time, rather than being restored to his prior post, he lost his head.
To be continued…
S M Chen lives and writes in California.