Your Support is Always Welcome
We have reached the final day of our Fall Membership Drive. What a wonderful 10 days it has been to see minds and hearts touched to support Adventist Today.
We have heard from so many of you who read us online, in our print magazine, or follow us on social media. You’ve been so supportive, and we can’t thank you enough for getting involved by becoming a member or making a large donation.
We were looking for 250 friends giving $15/month to join our support team this week. We heard from friends who became members for the first time from all over United States (Arizona, California, Maryland, Minnesota, Washington State, Florida, Michigan, Georgia, Idaho and Oregon) and from the countries of Australia and Myanmar. Thank you!
We still have a ways to go to reach the 250 new members at $15/month, so there’s plenty of room to get involved today.
As we’ve emphasized all week, your membership helps us sustain what we’re already doing, and expand in some tangible ways:
- More reporters in more places around the world
- More investigative resources to dig more deeply into the big stores
- More video channels and streaming audio to add to our publications
- More apps that make your spiritual life richer, and your ministry more informed
- More merchandise with Adventist Today branding for you to wear
- And the list could go on….
Reaching and exceeding our membership drive goal helps us enlarge the mission of Adventist Today, so please become a member today.
We believe Adventist Today is worth supporting. Even though ‘Foundation’ is in our name, we’re not supported by some large family trust or multi-national corporation. Adventist Today is an independent multi-media publisher, solely supported by its members.
It would be easy to think others are giving and so your membership is not needed. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We need you to support us now, on this last day of our 2017 Fall Membership Drive.
- Clicking on our membership link or clicking here will lead you through the steps, or…
- Calling 800.236.3641 and one of our team will lead you through the steps of sign-up, or…
- Mailing a check to: Adventist Today, PO Box 1135, Sandy OR 97055 and write “AT Member Drive Challenge Fund” on the memo line.
Thank you for giving until it feels good!