Why Is the General Conference Scared of Us?
Since hearing about the General Conference’s Item #6 — a General Conference (GC) working policy addition which has the effect of discouraging GC employees from speaking with independent Adventist publications — I have felt some anger and confusion.
But, to my surprise, my most prominent feeling was amusement.
I spent the majority of my life supporting the Seventh-day Adventist church with my energy, time, and money. And now, having left the church, I’m just a middle-aged woman with an anxiety disorder. What could the GC possibly have to fear from me? The idea makes me laugh.
Obviously, this order isn’t specifically directed at me. But they’re scared of something, and I am a part of it. I represent someone who has something to say that they don’t want said.
Writers from Adventist Today have included former Adventists, women, pastors, gay people, people of color, trans people, ex-Adventists, and people with diverse perspectives and cultures from all over the globe.
We honor the things the church is doing right, but we don’t stop there.
We challenge the church. We demand that it be better. Real journalism is about speaking truth to power. It still amazes me that anybody wants to hear what I have to say, and yet, miraculously, it appears people do! So I, and my Adventist Today colleagues, continue to speak that truth.
And it must be working because otherwise, why would they feel the need to tell people not to speak to us?
If you want us to continue to speak truth to power by lifting up a variety of perspectives; if you believe in independent Adventist journalism; I urge you to give generously to Adventist Today’s year-end fundraiser. It is people like you who keep us going.
Thank you—we really do love and appreciate you.
Lindsey Abston Painter
AT Newsletter Editor