Teen & Young Adult North American Events Begin Today in Ontario, California
February 18, 2016: Nearly a thousand Adventist teens and young adults began arriving yesterday in Ontario, California, for the Just Claim It prayer conference and Young Adult Life Summit that began today and extend through this weekend. The parallel events were organized by the denomination’s North American Division (NAD).
Time in prayer, small group discussions, music and keynote speakers are all on the agenda for the teen prayer conference. The speakers include Pastor Gilbert Cangy, the youth director of the General Conference (GC); Pastor Shantel Smith, an assistant chaplain at Pacific Union College in California; Dr. Kumar Dixit, senior pastor at Oakridge Church in Vancouver, Canada; Pastor Manny Ortega from Resurrection Church in the West Covina suburb of Los Angeles; and Pastor Garrett Speyer, the pastor for high school students at Loma Linda University Church.
Young Adult Life is the new initiative of the NAD to extend young adult ministries throughout North America by networking the existing ministries and supporting new ministries. Young adult leaders will meet for prayer, sharing and planning at the same time that the prayer conference is happening.
Key presentations at both events can be viewed via live video streaming on these two web sites:
Just Claim It teen prayer conference: www.jci5.org.
Young Adult Summit: www.youngadultlife.com.
The times of these transmissions will be the same on both Web sites. These times are Pacific Standard Time, so viewers must know the time difference between their location and Pacific time.
Thursday, February 18; Friday, February 19; and Sabbath, February 20; at 10 am and 2 pm each day.
The Young Adult Life Summit will also be broadcast on the Hope Church Channel.
NAD leaders have also invited Adventists around the world to join the prayer conference by praying together with believers worldwide on Sabbath at 11 am. Pray for Adventist teens and young adults.