$7500 Matching Challenge for April Donors
Hi AT Readers,
It’s amazing to see God work through your generous giving to Adventist Today. We are thrilled to announce that not only have we raised over $34,000 during our Spring Fundraiser so far, but we just got news that three reader families have joined forces to issue a $7,500 matching challenge. That means that every dollar you give for the four remaining days of April will be matched, up to $7,500.
Every donation we receive during April is counted toward our Spring Fundraiser. With YOUR support, we can surpass the $42,925 we raised last year and reach our goal for this spring of $50,000.
Thank you for generously supporting Adventist Today’s accessible, independent journalism. Adventists need a news and commentary source they can trust. And you, through your amazing support, allow us to provide just that. You aren’t waiting for somebody else to pick up the slack. You are making quality journalism and generous, Adventist community a personal priority.
Thank you in advance for supporting our Spring Fundraiser with a gift TODAY. Pledges toward the Spring Fundraiser that are paid off over 2022 are very welcome.
All first-time donors will get a personalized Thank-You from a member of the AT team.