SATIRE: Beautiful Adventist wife happy to witness to every man that notices her unadorned ring finger
MAGALIA, California — Bethany Powell says hardly a week goes by without an opportunity for her to witness about her faith. Men approach the attractive 26-year-old with impressive regularity, and each time Bethany is careful to deliver an understanding smile before sending them packing with a compassionate yet firmly delivered, “Sorry, but I’m married.”
Bethany has said that the decision she and her husband Russell made not to wear wedding rings has allowed her to show off her uniquely Adventist sense of modesty and has turned into her #1 witnessing tool.
Men that ask her why she doesn’t wear a wedding ring are treated to a tasteful tract on jewelry that Bethany produces with a flourish from her Chanel bag. “I always make sure I stock up at my local ABC store. You can never reach too many people,” she said.
This article originally appeared on BarelyAdventist, a humor and satire site for Adventists who believe in laughter.