An AT Live Streaming Event: Religion & the LGBT Community
Please join us for a live-streaming on the Adventist Today Facebook page this coming Sabbath at 3 PM PST, 6 PM EST, in partnership with the LLU School of Religion Humanities Program:
Religion & the LGBT Community – a panel discussion broadcast from the Damazo Amphitheater at Centennial Complex, 24760 Stewart St. Loma Linda, CA.
Because Loma Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher learning that espouses wholeness as its core value, exploring the intersections between gender identity, sexual orientation, and spirituality is integral to consistently carrying out its mission of educating competent Christian health-care providers for the 21st century. Come hear a diverse panel and join the discussion. Participants include Daneen Akers, MA; David Larson, DMin, PhD; Grace Oei, MD and Hans von Walter, MD.