Pastor Dies in Australian Floodwaters
19 January 2025 |
Search and rescue is about to go into its second full day for missing 53-year-old pastor William (Willie) Strickland, whose utility vehicle was swept off the road by raging floodwaters on Saturday night in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia. Pastor Strickland was in a convoy of vehicles when he attempted to cross the causeway over a flooded creek. The alarm was raised quickly; however, police found an empty car about 400 metres downstream.
Locals, police, and the State Emergency Services (SES) hold grave fears for the well-loved husband, father of four, grandfather, church pastor, and director of the Logan community ADRA Hub in Brisbane. He had just attended a wedding rehearsal on a rural property before setting out to return home in stormy weather and unfamiliar roads around 9:00 pm on Saturday.
Inspector Woods from the police service emphasised the severity of the weather conditions at the time, stating that the storm cell was so significant it had dropped an unprecedented amount of water in one place. Other local landholders echoed this, saying they “haven’t seen it like that ever.”
“Please pray for Pastor William Strickland. Pastor Willie is an amazing man and was always the happiest guy around,” wrote Jordyn AC on Facebook. His post was shared on several community Facebook pages, with many locals who have been through some of the worst flood events in Australia in recent history expressing concern and support for the pastor and his family and friends.
Searching started soon after Pastor Strickland’s vehicle was swept off the causeway creek crossing on Saturday evening and continued Sunday, with the SES, family and friends, police, the rescue helicopter, Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA) teams, SES volunteers, and drones involved. On Monday, January 20, the search continued from 8:00 am with over 170 volunteers joining in, scouring kilometres downstream on the banks of the debris-filled creek. After searchers found articles of clothing, though, the focus of the search moved from rescue to recovery.
Australian and New Zealand Adventists are shocked by this news, and prayers are being offered across both nations. South Queensland Conference president Brett Townend has joined the searchers, and Union Conference president Pastor Terry Johnson helped get the word out about the need for more volunteers. A Brisbane pastor and personal friend of Pastor Strickland’s, Francis Pule, provided advice about equipment for the ground search, which was expected to be difficult despite storms finally clearing.
“Your participation, encouragement, and prayers mean so much to the family and community,” wrote Pastor Pule. “Together, we stand hopeful and united in this mission. God bless.”
Late news:
“We’ve just received word that Pr Willie Strickland’s body has been found, deceased. We join in prayer again, now for the family and our community, that God will strengthen with comfort, strength, and peace. Thank you.”
Pastor Casey Wolverton wrote, “Pastor Willie was known across Australia and New Zealand for his popular leadership in youth, children, and pathfinder ministries over the past decade. The tragedy of his loss has rocked the Adventist community across the South Pacific Division, not to mention the local community where he was currently serving as pastor.”
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