News Briefs for April 23, 2020
News reports from GAiN Europe, the North American Division, Loma Linda University Health, ADRA, the Lake Union Herald and Sydney Adventist Hospital:
The Trans-European Division announced the latest video in a social media series #dearcoronavirus. The video features medical staff from 15 countries who share their commitment to serve in this challenging time. The video series is produced by the GAiN Europe leadership team. This most recent video was coordinated by the North American Division media department.
The North American Division has compiled a list of local churches offering livestreamed worship services. Find your timezone, then select a church service.
To add your church to the list, email and submit your streaming information.
From Loma Linda University Health — Loma Linda University and University of Redlands have partnered to offer free walk-in medical services for the homeless throughout the duration of the California order to shelter in place. The Redlands Walk-In Medical Services comes from both universities’ commitment to service and advancing the health of the community.
The walk-in medical service is located at University of Redlands’ main campus in Hentschke Hall, Room 102 (chosen for its proximity to Sylvan Park and the availability of restroom facilities). Hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday 4–6 pm, and Saturday 5–6 pm.
Redlands Walk-In Medical Services is operated by the faculty of Loma Linda University School of Allied Health Professions, Department of Physician Assistant Sciences. The healthcare team is composed of licensed and board-certified PAs who are providing medical care to help the homeless and transient members of the Redlands community most at risk amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
From ADRA – Recently, Loma Linda University Health’s Adult Hospital Services (LLUH) reached out to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) requesting aid with getting personal protective equipment (PPE).
“Time is life and getting essential workers proper life-saving resources during these uncharted times is critical. The staff at Loma Linda University Health are putting their lives on the line for as many people as possible, but they need to be equipped with reliable gear to continue providing top-notch care,” says Michael Kruger, ADRA’s president. “We are honored that Loma Linda thought of us, and proud to help provide immediate assistance where it’s needed most.”
PPEs may include additional protective clothing, such as helmets, goggles, face shields, or other garments that are especially important for healthcare workers as they reduce employee exposure to hazards or infectious agents—in this case, the coronavirus.
Within 48 hours of LLUH’s request, ADRA was able to ship nearly 45,000 PPEs to LLUH’s supply management unit, complete with N95 masks, isolation gowns, gloves, and more.
The Lake Union Herald is hosting a Facebook Live session on Saturday, April 25, at 5 PM EDT featuring Nicholas Miller, JD, PhD; Martin Hanna, PhD; Jennifer Schwirzer, LPC; and David Hamstra, MDiv. Their discussion topic is “Coronavirus: A Natural Disaster, Human Folly or Divine Judgment?”
Watch the live stream here:
Australia’s Sydney Adventist Hospital confirmed that a nurse worked a shift at the hospital within 48 hours of showing COVID-19 symptoms. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, quoting a hospital spokesperson, the nurse was sent home 48 hours later, after showing symptoms before starting another shift. Medical experts say that people can be infectious in the 48 hours before they show symptoms of COVID-19. It is unclear if the nurse contracted the disease in the hospital or outside. The positive result from the nurse’s COVID-19 test was confirmed today.