A second edition of ADVENTIST TOMORROW – Fresh Ideas While Waiting for Jesus has just been released. ADVENTIST TOMORROW is the best-selling book that Adventist Today has ever published. The content has not been changed. It is the same collection of thoughtful and progressive ideas on how Adventists might respond to the challenge of offering Present Truth to our generation. But the type size has been improved in response to reader requests for the paperback edition.
Readers of ADVENTIST TOMORROW have been very enthusiastic in their response to the book, saying things like this: “Well written with a logical flow of arguments to guide through what present truth could look like, if we accepted all of the revelation we have about God.” “Once I started it, I could not put it down.” “Very valuable piece of work. You have added very richly to my heart, soul and mind.” “An unprecedented and transformative rescue of Adventist thought.” “Love, love, love the book. I bought 3 copies!” If Adventism is to be relevant, 19th-century ideas must grow into 21st-century ones. This book is a noble effort.” Bonnie Dwyer said, “I’m interested in your ideas about transforming people’s concept of Jesus and the holiness (or not) of Friday night.” Smuts von Rooyen wrote, “Enjoying your book Adventist Tomorrow.” David Larson said, “Well done!” Jonathan Butler wrote, “It’s on my reading list.” Wil Eva said, “It has been a genuine pleasure and a relief of sorts to find someone who has wrestled… as you obviously have — and articulated so well in your very valuable piece of work.” Ian Hartley read the book. Pastor John Hughson said, “I recommend this book to Adventists who want to see their church fulfill its potential. I also recommend it to anyone who cares about the Bible as a guide to a meaningful life.” Even Clifford Goldstein was kind enough to say that he “appreciated the chapter on Intoxicants, although not much else!” But this is a book Adventist thinkers are reading. You also may not agree with all Jack’s suggestions but this book can refresh our faithfulness to the truth as it is in Jesus and suggests how our teachings can progress to meet today’s need for Jesus in our times and with the needs of our communities.
One reader convinced his graduating class to generously buy copies for each of his academy’s board members, and for each teacher. If you are interested in sponsoring a group project like this, text message Jack at with what you have in mind.
There are 285 pages and 30 chapters plus a recommended reading list.
The price of the new paperback edition is only $22, and the Kindle e-book is just $9.95. Each copy sold supports Adventist Today.
Here is a sample quote in the new sized text:

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Adventist Today had additional sponsored books available from Sakae Kubo and David Neff/Loren Seibold, and more will be coming soon. Aunt Sevvy’s book is now available. And Deanne Hoehn has written her 13 years of missionary stories from a woman’s point of view called LOVING YOU–I went to Africa. Check SHOP frequently to see when it will be available for purchase. Sometimes a new book to the right person is the nicest gift you can give.