New Book and New Video by George Knight
Dr. George R. Knight is probably the best known historian of the Adventist movement. He has written many books and retired more than a decade ago after a long tenure on the faculty of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. In June this year Adventist Today published an article by Knight entitled “9.5 Theses” and later reported on the paper he presented at the Unity Conference in London, as well as the reaction of the Michigan Conference when it first banned all of Knight’s books from being sold in their bookstore and in a short time reversed that decision due to an irate outcry by church members.
A book was released this week in which all of these materials by Knight and other related documents have been gathered together. It is entitled Adventist Authority Wars, Ordination and the Roman Catholic Temptation. It focuses on the history of authority of in the Adventist denomination and a biblical analysis of the concept that the General Conference has the authority to prohibit the union conferences from approving the ordination of pastors on the basis of their gender.
The book was released by Oak and Acorn Publishing and is available on as both an eBook and a 158-page paperback. It provides a lot of background to help you understand the issues that will be debated at the GC Annual Council starting next week.
Knight has also been featured in an 8-minute video. You can see that here.
The book and the video are also available at with a short list of discussion questions that can be used in a Sabbath School program or class, or in a small group. This Web site also has a download of the paper that Knight presented to the union conference presidents at the Unity Conference.