Journey To Worship: The Musical
By David Griffiths, posted by D Kovacs, Nov 25, 2015
Those anywhere near Washington, DC will not want to miss this event! Those too far away, scroll down!
I have written a musical to share with faith communities around the country examining meaningful worship. It’s entitled “Journey To Worship: The Musical” and will be presented for the first time December 5, 2015 at 5:30pm at Nineteenth Street Baptist Church of Washington DC. I am looking forward to the support of my home church, Sligo SDA Church in Takoma Park, as well as Columbia Community Center where I served in ministry for the past two years, and the Denton Church of Free Adventists where I currently serve as pianist. As a Seventh-day Adventist musician God is allowing me to change the way the world sees worship and I pray that the songs and the lines of this production will help some prepare to stand in that great multitude that no man can number from every nation, kindred, tongue and people. For those too far away to attend, the program will be streamed at this website. It will also come out on DVD in 2016. We will announce it in this space when it is ready to purches. Important note: Griffiths hopes to take the musical on the road next year, so contact him at this website if you would like to see it at your home church or organization.