Growing, Creative Young Adult Initiative Brings Together Adventists in Los Angeles
21 May 2018 | The Converge Art and Music Festival began as a Friday night worship service in the summer of 2014 in the Los Angeles area. Initially, it was a fellowship of mostly young adults welcoming the Sabbath.
In 2016, the group organized the first annual Art & Music Festival. The goal was to give Adventist artists an opportunity to worship God with their creativity.
Converge Ministries has become a year-round ministry with emphasis on faith, discipleship, service, creativity and the arts. There is the worship on Friday evenings and community events and service projects throughout the year.
This is an example of the kind of innovative fellowship and outreach that Adventist young adults in cities around the world are looking for. Take five minutes and look at the video with interviews of key leaders in the ministry: click here.
The Adventist denomination’s Southern California Conference encompasses the Los Angeles metropolitan area in the U.S. state of California. There are about 50,000 Adventists in a population of nearly 12 million and surveys have shown that there are probably twice that many individuals who were raised in the Adventist faith, but are no longer church members.