Free COVID-19 Testing at Black Churches Gets Adventist Support
28 April 2020 | Last Sunday, April 26, free COVID-19 testing took place at West Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church. reported the testing was organized by the Black Doctors COVID-19 Consortium.
The Adventist church was hosting one of a series of free testing sites run by the consortium across Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
About 300 people are tested at each site.
West Philadelphia Seventh-day Adventist Church pastor Nick Taliaferro was first in line for the testing, according to WHYY.
“They stick a swab so far down your nose, it almost feels like an enema,” Pastor Taliaferro said, laughing. “It was totally uncomfortable.”
African Americans are disproportionately affected by COVID-19. They make up 30% of the total coronavirus cases in the United States.
The consortium’s GoFundMe account has exceeded its fundraising goal of $100,000. The cost of each day of testing is between $30,000 and $40,000.
Raised funds pay for tests. All doctors and other staff are volunteering their time.