Fiji’s Adventist Church Strategizes with Authorities to Fight Crime, Reoffense
27 February 2020 | The Adventist Church in Fiji is partnering with the Fiji Corrections Service to both fight crime and reduce the rate of criminal reoffense in the country.
The Corrections Service believes churches can have a unique influence on communities, one that the service itself may not wield.
The Adventist Church has 314 inmates in the Fijian correction service, according to authorities. The denomination is working with the Correction Service to implement the program titled “Community Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders.”
Suva Adventist Church Corrections Ministry Coordinator, Sefanaia Turava, claims that crime and reoffense are, from the denomination’s perspective, a spiritual problem.
In the fijivillage article, Turava also claimed that the denomination had programs in place to address these social challenges.
According to the denomination’s Office of Archives, Statistics and Research, there were 27,439 Adventists in Fiji as of June 30, 2019.