Female Adventist Leader in Ghana Calls for Spot Littering Fines
16 July 2019 | Theresah Osei, the Women’s Ministry Director for the Amakom Sector of the Adventist Church in Ghana has publicly called on the government to create spot fines for public littering. She said the fines would act as a deterrent and help the local government fund sanitation work.
Osei made the comments last weekend as one hundred twenty denominational members helped clean up the Tech Junction area in the Oforikrom Municipality of the southern Ghanaian city of Kumasi. She also called for the reintroduction of sanitation workers to help keep areas clean.
According to Modern Ghana, the cleanup project served as a precursor to the denomination’s West Central Africa Division Women’s Ministries Conference scheduled to take place at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi from July 29 to August 4.
Osei called for the government to “consider introducing spot fines and sanitation inspectors to help curb the growing menace in the sanitation sector. The spot fine would deter people from indiscriminate littering of the environment while the Sanitation Inspectors would also instill discipline.”
“The offenders must pay something to the government so that the proceeds could be used to support sanitation management. As it stands now the level of indiscipline is so high and this could go a long way to reduce the environmental problems,” she said.
There are over 350,000 Adventist members in Ghana.