Dr. Reinder Bruinsma on Eschatology and Pandemics – video presentation
“It was to be expected that many Christians would regard these past plagues as signs of the certainty of Christ’s coming and that Seventh-day Adventist Christians who lived through the Spanish flu, who saw how HIV and AIDS ravaged particular segments of society, would emphasize this. It would go against our spiritual DNA if Adventists did not regard the COVID-19 pandemic as a sign of the second coming; indeed, it is surprising that the eschatological dimension does not dominate the response of most Adventist Christians to the current pandemic. But perhaps Seventh-day Adventists have gradually learned that although the signs of the times surely are important, it is unwise to point to one particular event—momentous though it may be— as proof that Christ’s coming is perhaps a matter of months, or at most a few years, from fulfillment. Perhaps we have learned, at long last, that Christ comes on his own schedule.”
—Dr. Reinder Bruinsma