Aunty, do you agree that you have to be SDA to be saved?
16 October 2022 |
Dear Aunt Sevvy,
I have been a Seventh-day Adventist my whole life. My parents were Adventists, and all my grandparents, and even my great-grandparents. I learned, as every Adventist should, that this is the church with the whole truth. There are other churches that have parts of the truth. They may know about Jesus and read the Bible—but because they don’t have the entire truth, including the second Advent and the Sabbath, and all of the writings of Ellen White, they are essentially false religions. I feel very strongly about this.
So this is my question to you, Aunt Sevvy: do you agree (as you should) that at this time in earth’s history, a person must be a Seventh-day Adventist to be saved?
Signed, Full Believer.
Dear Full Believer:
Aunt Sevvy
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