Dear Adventist Today
2 February 2024 |
Dear Adventist Today,
I am writing this to send a heartfelt general thank you to everyone responsible for Adventist Today and an individual thank you to Loren Seibold for the comforting ATSS presentation he gave this past Sabbath.
When I was in the second grade I attended a series of evangelistic meetings with my parents and I remember crying myself to sleep at night after returning home. It was so scary! Later, during my academy years when I realized (although I had not lost all hope) the state of perfection required to get to Heaven was most likely unattainable, I found solace in the idea that I probably would burn up in a flash because we lingered in the fire in direct proportion to our sins.
Of course, this wouldn’t work for me today since I’ve added 50+ more years of sin.
I did not discover Adventist Today until 2021 during the pandemic. I was deeply disappointed and shocked to see my local church of 30 years following right wing beliefs that the government was on our shoulder in regard to masking, social distancing and temporarily shutting down. For the first time in my life in my sixties, one day, all at once, in one huge dreadful thought, it came to me what kind of church I’d been raised in. Since that time, among other resources, Adventist Today has been the most helpful in preserving my sanity.
Thank you for selflessly continuing your invaluable ministry.
(Name withheld by request)