Comments of the Week January 20-26
Comments of the Week January 20-26
“I thought he was the second coming!” —Steve Ferguson sarcastically on SATIRE: Trump Vows to Cause Second Coming First 90 Days in Office
Comments on Letting God Interpret the Bible, Legislating Certainty, The Body Temple: Sugar Time, and Aunt Sevvy
“When I used to say something to my late brother that was demonstrably true, he often said to me with a twinkle in his eye: “You have a keen grasp of the obvious.” In the religious world inhabitated by Adventist leadership, that keen grasp is elusive. Theological blinders prevent recognition of the obvious fact that the Bible is a collection of writings by a variety of authors expressing disparate views and ideas. The God of the Bible evolves, changes, and, yes, even grows. It is refreshing to see books (and reviews of such books) recognizing that fact. It challenges us to evolve, change, and grow.
“I’m reminded of a very serious (to her) remark made by a friend when we were discussing all the variations of Sabbathkeeping. She said, “Oh, just give me a list, and then it won’t be confusing anymore.” I was frankly stunned. Because of her utter seriousness. As if having lists and laws and rules will just clear it up and we can behave accordingly and be happy not having to make decisions.“
–Patti Purdy Hansen Tompkins
SATIRE: Trump Vows to Cause Second Coming During First 90 Days in Office
“I think I’ve lost my sense of humor since January 20.”
–Patti Purdy Hansen Tompkins
“I thought he was the second coming!”
–Steve Ferguson
“Some years ago I went to a Sabbath evening group of very conservative church members where the meal, such as it was, was topped off by a chocolate cake. I have to say that the cake *looked* delicious, shiny, fluffy and dark. Since the meal had been bland & boring, I was looking forward to it, as were several of my friends around the table. They plopped a big slice on each plate, and then proudly announced that so-and-so had made it and it had no sugar, no chocolate, no eggs, no oil, etc. I took one bite and said, “You know, I’m rather full. Can I take mine with me?” Several more also decided to take the rest with them, after that first bite! When we compared notes later, we all had pitched it out the car windows on the way home. We still laugh about it. One small piece of real chocolate cake wouldn’t have shortened our lives at all, I’m pretty sure.”
SATIRE: Trump Signs Executive Order Recognizing Only Fritos as Acceptable Haystack Chips
“Whew! I’ve got the right bag in my pantry!“
–Linda Colwell
“True… anything other than original Fritos is sacrilege.”
–Stephen Baxter
Aunt Sevvy, can a person go to heaven without being an Adventist?
“I have witnessed people attend evangelistic meetings ONE TIME, get baptized the same day, never more to be seen. No Bible studies. No fundamental beliefs. I have no problem with it because that’s a personal decision.
–Rosalie van Putten
“I asked this question when I was in seminary. The professor turned white and basically told me I was a heretic. The only biblical requirement is to believe and be baptized, and baptism isn’t even a requirement, as evidenced by the thief on the cross.”
–Steve Tatum
“It’s about the numbers, not personal salvation. Adventist clergy must report numeric growth in their congregations, not how many people believe they have found salvation. Baptism without membership is not a welcomed consideration for a pastor.”
–Richard Winn