Aunty, was Roger Morneau (A Trip into the Supernatural) for real?
Dear Aunt Sevvy,
A Trip Into the Supernatural is a book by Roger Morneau that explores his personal experiences and beliefs regarding supernatural phenomena. This includes encounters with demons and his involvement in occult practices. Are there any indications that the author simply made it all up? In other words, was Morneau a fraud?
Best regards, Doubting Reader
Dear Doubting Reader:
Aunty contacted Gerald Wheeler, who was a book editor at Review and Herald Publishing when he worked with Roger Morneau, and knew Roger well. This is Gerald’s reply:
In my many years of working with Roger Morneau as his editor, I found no evidence that he was making anything up, or using his experiences as a way of making money for himself. It took a long time for him to even be willing to talk about that part of his life. He did so only after the urging of the few who knew about it. He was always sincere in his discussions with me. He shared with me things that he never wrote about. As for the royalties he earned, he generally used them to help others.
I can also testify about his prayers: they had remarkable answers on at least two occasions for my own family.
It is also true that some of his readers may have pushed his conclusions further than he would have preferred.
It is often hard for those in the Western world to accept the reality of the supernatural, unlike much of the rest of the world that considers it a normal part of daily life. Adventist missionaries have to deal with the reality of widespread supernatural beliefs, which is why the General Conference added a 28th statement on this topic to its Fundamental Beliefs.
You would be amazed by some of the accounts told to me about what Adventist missionaries have encountered—most unusually, in the Islamic world. If we take Scripture seriously, particularly the writings of Paul, the supernatural is indeed real, though not as overt in Western culture as it is in the rest of the world.
Thanks, Gerald.
Aunt Sevvy
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