Aunt Sevvy, is probation closing in 2024?
25 September 2023 |
Dear Aunt Sevvy,
In my country (in southeastern Asia) I hear pastors and evangelists say that in 2024 probation will close. At that point, they say, baptism will count for nothing—it will be like taking a bath in the river, without any spiritual effect.
Why would God do such a thing?
Signed, Frightened
Dear Frightened,
The teaching of the close of probation—that access to salvation will be cut off while you are still alive, and you will be unaware of it—is an unbiblical teaching that robs people of confidence in God and the peace of salvation.
Adventist leaders, pastors, and evangelists have been predicting the close of probation for over a century, and have terrified millions of us with this false idea. Have you noticed that any of them have stopped baptizing people?
So why do these men emphasize that it is happening “soon,” even to the point of setting a date? Because it puts pressure on people to make a quick, fear-based decision, and raises their baptism numbers!
This is not a biblical teaching. The Bible is emphatic that as long as someone is alive and sincerely desires fellowship with Jesus, they are invited to come to him and find peace. Jesus says clearly, “I am with you always, even to the very end of the world.” If he promised the repentant thief on the cross eternal life in the last moments of life, he will keep the door of salvation open for anyone who seeks him.
So where does this idea come from? The development of this awful doctrine is too long to tell here, but it comes down to us from Ellen White and early Adventists.
Aunt Sevvy
Aunt Sevvy has collected her answers into a book! You can get it from Amazon by clicking here.
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