ATSS PRESENTS: Reinder Bruinsma, “The Church Has a Future”
6 June 2022 |
The Christian church is in trouble, in particular in the Western world. Many denominations see their membership decrease and experience an exodus of the younger generations. Postmoderns may still have an interest in spirituality, but they turn away from institutional Christianity. Current trends also affect the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While the church is still growing in the global south, church growth is stagnant (or even negative) in large parts of the developed world. An intense theological polarization stifles the spiritual health of the church.
What is the future of the Christian church in general and of the Adventist Church in particular? Is there only reason for despair? Or are there also positive signs and do we have reason for hope? And can we realistically expect that the gospel mandate will be fulfilled and the Good News will be effectively communicated to the entire world?
View the discussion powerpoint slides about how we want to see the church’s future here.
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