ATSS: Kärt Lazic, “Reframing and Reforming Congregational Worship: An Appeal for a Reset”
8 January 2025 |
What is it that happens when we come together for a “church service”? What should happen?
Church members are regularly encouraged to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together” (Heb. 10:25). But what are we supposed to do when what we experience there seems to be so far removed from our needs? When the idea of it keeps promising, but the reality of it continues to never deliver? When our history with church has given reason to approach these services with a sense of indifferent duty, active anxiety, or bitter skepticism? And what is the point of congregating, anyway?
We will first look at the why and then discuss some principles of the how… and, who knows, perhaps this seminar will open up some fresh pathways to revisiting the concept and practice of communal worship.
Kärt Lazić is a reader by education and a communicator by passion. She gets genuinely excited about exploring challenging questions from different angles and figuring out ways to express the discoveries in a meaningful way – in classroom, church pews, and “real life.” Her journey has taken her from Estonia to Newbold, where she has had the joy of teaching different subjects related to meaning—and sense-making. At church, she loves being a part of the team creating the spaces that facilitate the encounter between the human and the divine. The recent years have made her slow down to face her toughest audience yet – two toddlers that seem to have inherited her stubbornness and energy.
Gina Jett is a retired attorney from the Sacramento, California area.
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ATSS starting time depends on where you are. If you’re on the west coast of the United States, it’ll be 10:30 AM. On the east coast, 1:30 PM. Times in Europe, Africa, and elsewhere will vary with local time changes. Please double-check the correct time where you live.
The class is intended to last about 2 hours, though the conversation often continues to 4 PM (Eastern time).
About our class:
- The AT Sabbath Seminar is intended to be a courteous forum.
- Stick to the topic in both comments and chat discussion.
- Make your comments and questions short—don’t dominate.
- Keep your microphones muted unless you are called upon to make your comment or ask your question.
- Indicate your interest in speaking by raising your electronic hand.
- Please use your name when you sign in, so we know who we’re addressing.
We look forward to getting acquainted with you!
YouTube channel:
You can see all of our previous ATSS recordings here.
Coming up:
- Maury Jackson
- Bryan Ness
- Reinder Bruinsma
- Kärt Lazik
- Tom Dybdahl