ATSS: Horace Alexander, “Saul: The Tragic Hero”
19 June 2024 |
The monarchy of Saul, Israel’s first king, is generally regarded as a failure. For the most part we, as adults, maintain the same impressions of Saul and Samuel that we had as children.
It is time we take a more nuanced approach to an assessment of Saul’s reign and Samuel’s role in it. Issues emerging from this presentation include leadership qualities, mental health, organizational politics, and the PK Syndrome.
Horace B. Alexander M.A., Ed.S., Ed.D., is a Professor Emeritus of English with a specialty in the literature of the Bible. The author of the historical novel Moon Over Port Royal, he has also served as a school principal, District Superintendent, Dean of Instruction, and College Vice President.
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The class is intended to last about 2 hours, though the conversation often continues to 4 PM (Eastern time).
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