ATSS: “Fighting God and Doubting the Bible: A Truly Adventist Hermeneutic for Reading Scripture”
2 March 2023 |
The Seventh-day Adventist Church faces a crisis: how to read the Bible. Almost every debate dividing Adventism today relates to the issue of hermeneutics. According to church leaders, it’s the fundamental problem preventing Adventism from moving forward missionally. Those at the top of the church seem to believe the path to the future embraces renewed obedience and submission to the Bible’s authority, while repenting of our postmodern hubris that seeks to critique and analyze things that are left to the mystery of God. But is that true?
In this class, we will explore a new hermeneutic for scripture that isn’t so new: one that Ellen White, Martin Luther, and even John Calvin embraced. Instead of apparent obedience, it will be argued that the best and most authentically Adventist way to read the Bible is arguing and even at times rejecting things in Scripture. “Holy disobedience,” it turns out, becomes the path forward for an Adventism built on Sola Scriptura.
Gina Jett is a retired attorney living in the Sacramento area of California.
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Passcode: The key figure of the German reformation, whose first name was Martin. SIX LETTERS, ALL CAPS
ATSS starting time depends on where you are. If you’re on the west coast of the United States, it’ll be 10:30 AM. On the east coast, 1:30 PM. Please double-check the correct time where you live.
Times around the world:
- Reykjavík: 6:30 PM
- College Place: 10:30 AM
- Lincoln: 12:30 PM
- Denver: 11:30 AM
- Bracknell: 6:30 PM
- Berrien Springs: 1:30 PM
- Loma Linda: 10:30 AM
- Nairobi: 9:30 PM
- Gackle: 12:30 PM
- Hosur: 11:00 PM
- Waco: 12:30 PM
- Keene: 12:30 PM
- Helsinki: 8:30 PM
- Stockholm: 7:30 PM
- Hamburg: 7:30 PM
- Cape Town: 9:30 PM
- Madrid: 7:30 PM
- Paris: 7:30 PM
- Honolulu: 7:30 AM
- India (all): 12:00 PM (Sunday)
- Cooranbong: 5:30 AM (Sunday)
- Perth: 2:30 AM (Sunday)
The class is intended to last about 2 hours, though the conversation often continues to 4 PM (Eastern time).
About our class:
- The AT Sabbath Seminar is intended to be a courteous forum. We discuss and ask questions politely. We don’t accuse, get angry, put people down, or judge the state of their salvation.
- Stick to the topic in both comments and chat discussion.
- Make your comments and questions short—don’t dominate.
- Keep your microphones muted unless you are called upon to make your comment or ask your question.
- Indicate your interest in speaking by raising your electronic hand—under the “reactions” button.
- Please use your name when you sign in! Not your phone number, not your initials. This will help us differentiate you from unwelcome guests who want to disrupt us. You can set your name after signing on by clicking on the 3 dots next to your picture, which drops down a menu.
We look forward to getting acquainted with you!
Coming up:
- Daniel Duda
- Bill Cork
- Jodi Washburn