AT1–April 16, 2021
When you’re going through a dark valley in your own life, it’s often very difficult to notice and respond to the struggles of others. That’s what’s so amazing about Jesus’ care for others as he was on his way to Calvary. Christ’s keen observation skills and courage to respond then are available to you today.
We’re so delighted you’ve found AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week, and is becoming your first choice for a Friday night vespers. Here are our presenters this week:
Today’s Host – Paul Richardson
Presenter – Zach Park
Trending News – Bjorn Karlman
Musician – Lyn Patton
Please tell your friends about these videos by forwarding this link to them. We hope these weekly videos prompt personal reflection, and are a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
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Discussion Question:
1. Who in your life is going through a dark valley? How can you help that person? Pray that God gives you heightened observation skills and courage to respond.
2. What can we do to provide uplifting, grace-centered leadership and support for our local faith community as we begin to emerge from the long, hard slog of the pandemic over the last year?
Live well. Love well.