Anticipating AT1–September 11, 2020
We’re so glad you’ve found Anticipating AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week.
To keep our hope alive that one day we will be back together again, we are providing virtual meetings, with a new edition every Friday. Anticipating AT1 is 10-15 minutes long, and can be viewed at any time. We hope it prompts personal reflection, and is a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Nancy Myers introduces this week’s edition of Anticipating AT1. Our message of humor and honesty is presented by Karl Haffner, vice president of Loma Linda University. AT Trending News raises our awareness of what’s going on in the Adventist community, and stay tuned to hear beautiful music right after.
By the way, we are looking for musicians who will bless us with a vocal number, an instrumental piece, or piano, or keyboard, or just guitar. We want three minutes, recorded in your home; email to If we select your video, we will give you a link to download your file at production size. If you recruit a friend to do this, you’ll be doubly blessed!
Discussion Questions:
1. God created us to be sexual beings, yet culture has sullied our view of what that means. How has today’s presentation reminded you of how God sees your sexuality?
2. Often our internal conversations influence our behavior. Do you really believe that God is delighted with you, that you are loved beyond measure?
3. If we are honest with ourselves, physical attractiveness plays a big part in how we treat each other. How can we prevent letting other people’s looks, or lack of them, affect how we treat them? Also, it’s a small step from thinking someone is attractive to lusting after them. Where do we draw the line?
Be well, and love well.