Anticipating AT1–October 2, 2020
In the United States, we are one month away from a federal, state, and local election of leaders. The information and disinformation about candidates and initiatives is dizzying. Jesus invites us to pursue truth in every part of our lives, especially our spirituality.
We’re so delighted you’ve found Anticipating AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week.
To keep our hope alive that one day we will be back together again, we are providing virtual meetings, with a new edition every Friday. Anticipating AT1 is 10-15 minutes long, and can be viewed at any time. We hope it prompts personal reflection, and is a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Host – Stefani Leeper
Presenter – Joey Oh (19:17 to 26:40)
Trending News – Bjorn Karlman
Music – iCantori of Walla Walla University
By the way, we are looking for musicians who will bless us with a vocal number, an instrumental piece, or piano, or keyboard, or just guitar. We want three minutes, recorded in your home, email to If we select your video, we will give you a link to download your file at production size. If you recruit a friend to do this, you’ll be doubly blessed!
Discussion Questions:
1. What practices do you find most helpful as you evaluate the messages you hear/read/or see to arrive at what is authentic, factual, and uplifting?
2. As the Western United States burns and thousands struggle with immense uncertainty, how do we process the losses so many endure and the relief others feel at escaping destruction?
3. What do we say to those who have suffered incredible loss? Did they not deserve divine protection? How do we avoid overly simplistic explanations? How do we find the real truth?
Be well, and love well.