Anticipating AT1–December 25, 2020
Are we allowing our holy discontent to motivate us to healthy action, or are we letting our anger lead us into corrosive thought patterns or external outbursts that hurt a lot of innocent people in the process? Ephesians 4:20-27 invites us to a new way of managing our anger.
We’re so delighted you’ve found Anticipating AT1. From our inspirational message, to our thought-provoking AT Trending News, to our melodic moment of music, we trust this short program adds value to your week.
Please tell your friends about these videos by forwarding this link to them. We hope these weekly videos prompt personal reflection, and are a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
Today’s Host – Stefani Leeper
Presenter – Dilys Brooks
Trending News – Bjorn Karlman
Musician – Rick DuBose
Discussion Questions:
1. Are we allowing our anger to fuel healthy behaviors that glorify God, or are we wasting that emotion on self-pity which means the status quo continues?
2. How can we learn to reframe the injustices of life so that we put our energy into solutions rather than resentment?
Merry Christmas. Be well, and love well.
PS: Please tell your friends about these videos by forwarding this link to them. We hope these weekly videos prompt personal reflection, and are a discussion catalyst with your family and friends as you talk with them in the safe ways you connect during these unusual times.
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