An update from the beautiful country of Thailand, July 25, 2012
by Katelyn Pauls
The rainy season is now upon us here in Thailand. Every day for the last 3-4 days it has down-poured in the afternoon. However, the weather is cooler now and we are able to sleep comfortably at night with no air conditioning, just leaving the windows open. We have been doing some rearranging the last two days. Another student missionary from Southern Adventist University is coming on Thursday and they don’t have a room for her. So, she will be moving in with me and my roommate. It will be a little cozy but we will make do. It’s just temporary for now unless we decide that we really like it, then it might just stick!
The classes are going pretty well. Some students are trying my patience but I know that God put them there for a reason. Most of them are adorable and eager to learn. I have one student who is my age. She is a pleasure to teach because she is eager to learn and can communicate better than most of my other students. Today I asked her about fun things to do in the area. Now I know the name of some beautiful waterfalls and temples I need to visit.
I’m learning more about myself every day that I’m here. Last night my roommate and I had a “heart-to-heart” conversation. To make a long story short, and less embarrassing, I learned some things about me that I need to change. I learned some of my strengths and weaknesses and how they can build up or break down the team spirit we have here. I know that I need my friends here and I want to do everything I can to strengthen our team and not destroy it. God, give me the strength to change for the better. Help me to listen to Your leading and give me the humility to accept the advice given to me. Thank you, Father.