Adventist Campus in Spain Reported Safe from Floods
5 November 2024 |
The Sagunto Adventist Campus, near Valencia, Spain, reports that the campus hasn’t been affected by the storm—but they are busy trying to help their community. The following note is from their Instagram page:
From Campus we want to say thank you for your prayers. We take this moment to report that we are okay.
💔 We are deeply saddened by the loss of human lives, and from the Sagunto Adventist Campus we send our deepest condolences and support to all the families going through this difficult time.
🙏 In these moments of sorrow and testing, we continue to trust that God is on our side, holding us and giving us hope. We know that our eyes should always be fixed on Him, who is our refuge and strength in any circumstance, even in the midst of adversity.
🤝 If you want to help the affected people, you can contribute through the ADRA account: IBAN: ES36 0049 0469 1428 1070 2011 (Banco Santander), Bizum: 01379, Concepto: Valencia
We said goodbye with a phrase that is always in our hearts.
“We have nothing to fear about the future, unless we forget the way God has led us in our past history.” “
With faith, hope and unity, we shall move forward.