25th Anniversary Celebration Live Streaming
Who would have imagined 25 years ago that a dream to provide a source for independent journalism and innovative ministry resources would bring us to this time of reflection and gratitude for all that has been accomplished through God’s providence and a lot of people committed to this cause?
You are invited to this lecture: a time of remembering and of envisioning what is in our future at Adventist Today.
Commemorative Lectureship
TOPIC: The Role of Independent Journalism in a Faith Community,
by David Neff
Based on his two decades as a lead at Christianity Today, and in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Adventist Today
Sabbath | April 21, 2018 | 3 P.M.
Centennial Complex on LLU’s Campus
Damazo Amphitheater
24760 Stewart Street
Loma Linda, CA 92354
Co-sponsored by Adventist Today and Loma Linda University’s Humanities Program
Live Streaming:
You can see this event live-streamed on our Facebook page, 3PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern.