Your Invitation to Become an Adventist Today Member
It may be easy to think, “There will be plenty of other Adventist Today readers who will give. They don’t need me.” Friend, we need you! Please pray right now about what level of membership God would have you choose to support our shared multimedia publishing enterprise.
Adventist Today readership has expanded exponentially on every continent of the world in recent months. What an exciting opportunity we have been given to inform many parts of the Adventist community that are unaware or misinformed about progressive perspectives.
The average age of our readership is getting younger. What an awesome opportunity it is to include new generations in the conversations that help them make their faith their own.
New technologies allow for increasing innovations in visual and audio news resources, in addition to our quality print journalism, that we can’t wait to share with you.
Become a part of a winning team. Every day you will be hearing from other people who are giving. You won’t be alone in pledging your support. We will designate each day this week as a time to emphasize one of the membership levels. Our shared experience will be more than a time to ask for money, it will be a spiritual experience that gives praise to God.
If we haven’t already answered your questions, please call the Adventist Today office at 503.826.8600 and we will do our best to serve you. We value you as a reader and supporter.
Monte Sahlin
CEO/Executive Director
Adventist Today Foundation