What really happened on Mt. Sinai?
by Andy Hanson
A quiz prepared by Andy Hanson
There are some facts about what happened on and around Mt. Sinai that you may not be aware of. See if you don’t agree after taking the Official Sinai Quiz. (Hint: there may be more than one “right” answer!) People who email me answers to all 16 questions in the next two weeks will be awarded the honorary title, “Sinai Scholars.” The correct answers will accompany the award ceremony right here on the first week in April. aphanson@csuchico.edu
The Official Sinai Quiz
1. How many times did Moses climb Mt. Sinai?
2. Did Moses climb the mountain alone? If not, what was the total number of people that climbed with him?
3. How long was his longest stay on the mountain? Did he do it more than once?
4. Where was Moses when God uttered the Ten Commandments? Is there more than one version?
5. How many commandments did God give to Moses on Mt. Sinai?
6. Where was Joshua when Moses received the original tablets of stone?
7. What happened to the Golden Calf when Moses returned?
8. Did God punish Aaron for his role in the Golden Calf debacle?
9. Who first informed Moses that there was a Calf party going on?
10. How was Israel punished for their worship of the Golden Calf?
11. Did Moses ever get a good look at God? If he did, did anyone else?
12. Was there a banquet on Mt. Sinai? If there was, who attended?
13. How many times did Moses persuade God to change his mind?
14. In what capacity did angels assist Israel during and after this time period?
15. When Moses was not on Mt. Sinai, where did he go to speak to God? Who sometimes accompanied him?
16. What’s wrong with the usual depiction of the Ten Commandments Moses carried down from Mr. Sinai?
Answers to these and other astounding facts can be found in Exodus 19:24;24:1,9,10, Exodus 20, Exodus 24, Exodus 34, Deuteronomy 4, Deuteronomy 5, and Acts 7.