Webinar Series on “Leading in Times of Crisis” from Andrews University
As a response to the evolving challenge triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Andrews University Department of Leadership has taken the initiative to host a series of “Leading in Times of Crisis” webinars from June 8 through July 13. Each Monday, from 7 to 8 pm (Eastern time in the United States), a front-line leader in the campus, church or community will be interviewed about their direct experiences with recent crises. Those in attendance online will also be able to submit questions for the speaker.
The webinars are free, but registration is required. To register, please go to https://mailchi.mp/e359df9c672b/leadingintimesofcrisis. You will receive a link and a password to join the meeting. CEU certificates are available upon request.
The featured speaker for the June 8 inaugural webinar is Terry Shaw, President & CEO, AdventHealth. Modern Healthcare named him one of 100 Most Influential People last year. He oversees 50 hospitals in nine U.S. states with more than 80,000 staff members and has led AdventHealth through a transformative time, included a rebrand from Adventist Health System, completed in January 2019.
The second webinar is scheduled for Monday, June 15 at 7 pm. The special guest is Sung Kwon, executive director of Adventist Community Services in North America, the denomination’s domestic relief and development agency.
Subsequent webinars are scheduled for the following Mondays at 7 pm through July 13. They will feature additional outstanding guests and will focus on local businesses, church administration and educational leadership.
Participants interested in more extensive studies on the topic “Leading in Times of Crisis” are encouraged to register for the summer courses Seminar: Leading in Times of Crisis or Advanced Seminar: Leading in Times Crisis. For more information about these graduate courses, interested participants may contact the Department of Leadership by email at leader@andrews.edu.
The leadership program Andrews University is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The Department of Leadership houses three graduate academic programs: educational leadership, higher education administration, and leadership. Each program operates primarily in a distance education format, with most courses being taught online. For more information, visit andrews.edu/leadership.