Webinar on How to Increase Giving in Your Local Church
by AT News Team, September 11, 2014
An online event will provide leadership development for lay leaders in congregations around the world on the weekend of September 27-28. Leadership Webinars is a series produced by the Center for Creative Ministry, a resource center affiliated with the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The topic in September is “How to Increase Giving in Your Local Church.”
Each Webinar includes about 50 minutes of a presentation and then an open period of time to answer questions or assist with problem-solving for local leaders. Each is presented twice, once on Sabbath afternoon and once on Sunday morning. The second presentation is a live event, not a recording from the first session, but the two cover the same outline. They are not part one and part two.
The Sabbath afternoon session is scheduled for 4 p.m. Eastern time and the Sunday morning session is scheduled for 11 a.m. Eastern time. You will need to calculate the actual time based on where you are located relative to the Eastern time zone in the United States and Canada.
The September presentation will include information from research conducted last year with focus groups and a survey across North America asking about the motivations for giving among members of the Adventist denomination. The presenter will be Pastor Monte Sahlin, who retired earlier this year after 44 years in the Adventist clergy. He is known as an author and research professional, as well as a teacher and preacher. He has served at all levels of the denomination.
In order to participate, a local group or individual must pre-register with the Webinar series. Those who have already pre-registered earlier in 2014 do not need to register again and will automatically receive an Email with an access link.
To register for the Sabbath afternoon series, go to: www2.gotomeeting.com/register/413811322
To register for the Sunday morning series, go to: www2.gotomeeting.com/register/774975762