Update: Unity Oversight Committee Continues to Gather Data
From ANN | 26 February 2018 | The Unity Oversight Committee appointed by the Adventist denomination’s General Conference (GC) recently provided an update on its activities to the members of the GC Executive Committee through the committee newsletter.
The report stated that the process of gathering qualitative and quantitative data from the denomination around the world is currently underway. Last month, surveys were sent to all division and union conference presidents. Of the 150 surveys sent out, 144 were already returned by mid-February. The deadline for submission is March 15. Each recipient received the survey in his native language. The survey was designed by the world church’s Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research (ASTR), and is being administered by its staff.
Meetings with world division leaders are currently taking place. During these personal visits, division leaders talk with various members of the Unity Oversight Committee and are asked to offer written suggestions to the committee on how to address the issue of compliance with voted actions of GC Sessions and of the GC Executive Committee. In addition, Division leaders are invited to submit any other suggestions or comments they might have.
Meetings have already taken place with the leaders of the denomination’s Southern-Asia Division, Euro-Asia Division and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. Others have been scheduled and will soon take place.
Data from both the survey and the meetings will be used in helping to craft a document that will be brought to the 2018 Annual Council for consideration.
The Adventist News Network (ANN) is the official news service of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.