Tom de Bruin, “The Unusual Endings to Mark’s Gospel”
29 March 2023 |
Mark’s gospel ends in 16:8, but there are a number of added ancient endings, many of which are still included in English translations of the Bible. Ancient scribes added endings to the existing book, and these have been copied and transmitted for almost 2000 years.
One, known among Pentecostal believers as the “signs following” passage, includes the controversial suggestions that believers “will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all.”
We will consider why these endings were added, and what the additions mean for the gospel and our thinking about the canon and inspiration.
Tom de Bruin received his PhD in Biblical Studies from Leiden University in 2014. His thesis was entitled “The Great Controversy,” and was a study of the forces of darkness in ancient Judaism and early Christianity. De Bruin lectured in New Testament at Newbold College for several years, as well as serving the church as pastor, church administrator, church planter, and youth director.
Loren Seibold is the Executive Editor of Adventist Today.
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Coming up:
- Daniel Duda
- Raj Attiken
- Ron Lawson
- Lindsey Painter
- Marko Lukic
- Mathilde Frey