Editorial: “Three Reasons Potluck Could Save the Adventist Church”
Potluck may be the secret sauce that can help bring unity and revitalization to the Adventist church. Here are three reasons why this humble tradition could have profound impacts:
First, potluck draws us together regardless of where we fall on the theological spectrum of Adventist belief. The allure of Special K Loaf or veggie lasagna transcends our ideological divides. As we line up with plates, we are united by the simple joy of breaking bread (and sampling tofu creations) together.
Second, potluck has a unique way of lowering our defenses. It’s the low-budget, hyper-local version of an exotic retreat getaway. We feel release from the drudgery of the preceding sermon as we bask in the dopamine rush of digging into taco salad and chatting with friends. These lowered barriers allow authentic conversations to unfold.
Third, the open dialogue fostered by potluck puts us in an aspirational mindset about Adventism’s future. We can become more gracious listeners and sharers, dropping the trench warfare mentality that can prevail in business meetings and committee sessions. The best ideas and visions can emerge organically over a plate of CHIP-approved fajitas.
Potluck reminds us that at our core, Adventists are a spiritual family. We may disagree, but we’re still here because we care about our faith and each other. And that’s something worth celebrating over another serving of mashed potatoes (can you tell I’m hungry?!!).
Speaking of community, it’s the Spring Fundraiser for Adventist Today. We too strive to create a safe space for open, meaningful dialogue about the Adventist movement. If preserving and strengthening this community vision aligns with your hopes for our church, we invite you to give generously.
Your support will help keep our faith community potluck-style authentic and thriving.
Bjorn Karlman
Executive Director, Adventist Today
13 April 2024
Today’s ATSS class (1:30 PM Eastern) with Katrina Blue
One-click link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83234155076
ATSS on April 13: Dr. Reinder Bruinsma
Previous weeks’ ATSS recordings can be accessed here.
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