Thank You!
The Adventist Today team wants to say “Thank You” to the supporters who responded during out Fall Membership Drive the last ten days of September, as well as at other times through the year. We are a little behind because our annual Reader Survey and then the news blitz surrounding the Annual Council of the General Conference executive committee began immediately thereafter.
Our goal for the drive was to find 100 friends who would give an average of $250 each and bring in a total of $25,000. In fact, 143 friends gave a total of $31,516. Amazing!
With this generous support we are able to continue to expand the independent journalism and ministry resources that our readers depend on. We see growing support for our work, and we cannot thank you enough for being among those supporters. We get no denominational subsidies and no funding from any institution, organization or association. We answer only to our readers and advocate no particular viewpoint or ideology.
Among the members of the Adventist Today support base are many people who are active in local congregations, leading Sabbath School classes and small groups, serving on the church board, helping with children’s and youth activities, etc. There are also a significant number of denominational employees; pastors, educators, employees of health institutions and other organizations. There are those who are members of the smaller Adventist denominations or belong to independent congregations or informal groups. And there are a significant number of people who tell us that they no longer are active participants in a congregation or any kind of organized religion, but because of family connections, or being raised in an Adventist family, they maintain some interest in what is going on with the Adventist faith. All are welcome! And our Membership Services team is ready to help you; use the 800.236.3641 phone number or the email address.
We thank God you are among our friends and that we are able to continue this journey together!
Monte Sahlin Paul Richardson
Executive Director Chief Operating Officer