Reinder Bruinsma, “A Postmodern Reading of Daniel & Revelation”
5 October 2022 |
According to the postmodern philosophers the ‘grand stories’ of the past are no longer valid.
Could it, however, be that the ‘great controversy’ theme offers, in fact, a ‘grand story’ that can still appeal to people today? Can we read the apocalyptic books of the Bible in such a way that a ‘grand story’ emerges which is meaningful and convincing for postmodern readers?
That’s my goal for our ATSS of this coming Sabbath.
Reinder Bruinsma lives in the Netherlands with his wife, Aafje. He has served the Adventist Church in various assignments in publishing, education and church administration on three continents. He still maintains a busy schedule of preaching, teaching and writing. His latest book is I Have a Future: Christ’s Resurrection and Mine.
Gina Jett is a retired attorney. She lives in the Sacramento, California area.
How to join:
Passcode: The last in the usual list of Jesus’ three favorite disciples, and purportedly the writer of Revelation and several other New Testament books. FOUR CHARACTERS, ALL CAPS.
ATSS starting time depends on where you are. If you’re on the west coast of the United States, it’ll be 10:30 AM. On the east coast, 1:30 PM.
Times around the world:
- Reykjavík: 5:30 PM
- College Place: 10:30 AM
- Lincoln: 12:30 PM
- Denver: 11:30 AM
- Bracknell: 6:30 PM
- Loma Linda: 10:30 AM
- Nairobi: 8:30 PM
- Gackle: 12:30 PM
- Hosur: 11:00 PM
- Waco: 12:30 PM
- Keene: 12:30 PM
- Kaarina: 8:30 PM
- Stockholm: 7:30 PM
- Möckern: 7:30 PM
- Cape Town: 7:30 PM
- Madrid: 7:30 PM
- Paris: 7:30 PM
- Honolulu: 7:30 AM
- Cooranbong: 3:30 AM (Sunday)
- Perth: 1:30 AM (Sunday)
- Manila: 1:30 AM (Sunday)
- Tokyo: 2:30 AM (Sunday)
- Auckland: 5:30 AM (Sunday)
The class is intended to last about 2 hours, though the conversation often continues to 4 PM (Eastern time).
About our class:
- The AT Sabbath Seminar is intended to be a courteous forum. We discuss and ask questions politely. We don’t accuse, get angry, or put people down.
- Stick to the topic in both comments and chat discussion.
- Make your comments and questions short—don’t dominate.
- Keep your microphones muted unless you are called upon to make your comment or ask your question.
- Indicate your interest in speaking by raising your electronic hand—under the “reactions” button.
- Please use your name when you sign in! Not your phone number, not your initials. This will help us differentiate you from unwelcome guests who want to disrupt us. You can set your name after signing on by clicking on the 3 dots next to your picture, which drops down a menu.
- If it should happen that we are attacked so that we have to stop the meeting, we’ll quickly post a new meeting link on our AT Facebook page.
We look forward to getting acquainted with you!
Coming up:
- Gerald Winslow
- Jon Paulien
- Sigve Tonstad
- Laurence Turner
- Bryan Ness
- Heidi Campbell
- Bill Knott
- Marko Lukic
- Carsten Thomsen
- Andreas Bochmann