Nothing In My Hand, Chapter Seven
By Del Starr, a pseudonym, all rights reserved. Posted July 1, 2015.
Gary had rented an upscale mobile home for his new family and Dianne loved it. The kitchen windows surrounded the front end of the trailer and it felt light and airy. Janetta had her own bedroom and there was an extra bedroom for either visitors or another child.
Dianne became a “stay-at-home mom” and Janetta grew and thrived. Gary took a personal interest in Janetta and was, in every way, her daddy. It was not long until Gary and Dianne knew that their family would soon number four but it seemed forever before Brian entered the family.
Brian was totally different from Janetta. He was a fussy baby and Dianne spent many hours walking the floor with him but she didn’t mind because she had the family and the stability she had long desired.
Gary’s parents lived in Missouri and on every long weekend, Gary and Dianne, with their babies, would head for Gary’s parents’ home. Gary’s mom loved Dianne and the babies and made them feel a part of the family from the very first moment. Gary’s stepfather also enjoyed the little family and all felt secure in his presence.
Dianne had finally found the perfect situation. Gary even attended church with Dianne though he was not a Seventh-day Adventist, and Dianne was thrilled to be part of the Family of God once more. Her previous life was never mentioned and she was accepted by the congregation.
When Brian was six months old, Gary received orders to report to Bremerhaven, West Germany for his next duty station. Dianne didn’t mind for she had enjoyed Germany though her situation had been less than ideal. The one complicating factor and the one that brought much stress to Dianne’s heart was that Gary had received orders to proceed after a thirty-day leave. Dianne could join him later, but would have to stay in the U. S. until housing could be arranged for her and the babies.
Dianne felt the stirrings of terror. She still suffered from the feelings of insecurity from her past and could not cope emotionally with the fact that Gary would be torn from her. She and Gary went to the base and spoke with counselors there as to what could be done. It was suggested that Dianne accompany Gary to New Jersey, which was the departure point for Gary’s plane. There, the couple could present themselves to the military, telling them that Dianne was there and had no place to go. The counselor explained that this had been done previously and subsequently, concurrent travel had been arranged. Gary and Dianne decided that they would try.
Only thirty days left, and they had family scattered through Missouri, Iowa, California, Oregon, and Washington. Gary and Dianne, with the babies, made a whirlwind trip to tell everyone good bye for the next three years.
Grace was on their list to be visited. Dianne had determined that she would not allow the affair to sever her relationship (what little there was) with her mother. She felt that she was doing the Christian thing by forgiving, and the affair was not mentioned.
When the last good-byes had been said and the last tears shed, Gary and Dianne and the babies headed for New Jersey. They enjoyed the cross-country trip and the babies traveled well. Brian had learned to eat solid foods and he loved the milkshakes that Dianne would buy for him. Janetta, of course, was big enough by this time to not require the constant attention and special foods that Brian required.
Arriving in New Jersey, Gary presented himself to the army and, as the counselor had suggested, told them that his wife and children had accompanied him and that they now had no place to go. True to what the counselor had said, concurrent travel was arranged and when Gary’s plane left the New Jersey airport, Dianne was seated at his side. Their car was to be shipped at a later time but Gary and Dianne didn’t care. They were together and that was what mattered.