News Briefs for March 21, 2024
21 March 2024 |
Pastor Joanne Cortes Ordained at BeLove Church in Washington, D.C.
Pastor Joanne Cortes was ordained at BeLove Church, a church plant that she helped initiate, on Saturday, March 16, 2024. For more than 20 years she has actively ministered to others, along with her husband, Pastor Jose Cortes, who is currently the Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. Photos from the service can be found at the Potomac Conference Facebook page.
Investigation Reveals High Humidity Levels as a Key Factor in 2023 Boyle Heights Power Outage
“Adventist Health White Memorial said the electrical equipment that failed was ‘designed to withstand harsh conditions.’ But after the outage, the hospital installed a humidity monitoring device, which was not a regulatory requirement but ‘a suggestion after this incident,’ the hospital said, adding that its technicians are monitoring it daily.” Full story at the LA Times website.
Southern Adventist University Pilots Program for Aspiring Teachers
“To inspire the next generation of Seventh-day Adventist teachers, Southern Adventist University piloted the nation’s first Aspiring Teachers Clubs (ATC) for students…. Melanie DiBiase, Ed.D., associate professor of education at Southern, describes the purpose of the union-wide Aspiring Teachers Clubs program as ‘pulling back the curtain on teaching,’ empowering high school students to jumpstart their journeys as educators and learn about a misunderstood career.” Full story at Southern’s website.
Adventists in the Philippines Reaffirm That “Charity Begins at Home”
“Centered on the pivotal message ‘Charity begins at home,’ the Family Ministries of the Adventist Church in the Southern Asia-Pacific (SSD) region purposefully allocated this year’s weeklong celebration of Christian Home and Marriage Week to the families serving at the division headquarters. Full story at ANN website.
Adventist Bikers Minister at the Argentina-Chile Border
“The Seventh-day Adventist motorcycle group distributed healthy snacks and inspirational literature as they connected with fellow bikers who made it to the Christ the Redeemer of the Andes monument on the 12,572-foot border pass between Argentina and Chile. ‘Our goal was to show Jesus in that gathering,’ ministry leaders said.” Full story at the Adventist Review website.