New Book Reviews Debate on Investigative Judgment Doctrine since Glacier View
A new book looks carefully at the scholarship and discussion on the traditional Adventist teaching of an investigative judgment in heaven beginning in 1844. The author, Roy Ingram, is a loyal Seventh-day Adventist who believes that God raised up the Adventist movement to take the everlasting gospel to all the world.
The book summarizes the seven volumes that have been published by the denomination’s Daniel and Revelation Committee since the Glacier View council in 1980. It concludes that (1) only a small number of the papers dealt with the central issue; (2) the findings are based largely on assumptions; and (3) the topic was treated as though it was established from the Bible. “Let the reader decide whether or not this doctrine is biblically confirmed,” the author concludes.
The 1844 Investigative Judgment: Fact or Assumption by Roy Ingram is 330 pages published by It is available in paperback and as an eBook.
The book can be ordered as paperback or Kindle ebook here.