Multi-campus Secondary School for Metro Areas Case Study Presented in Webinar
by Adventist Today News Team
Atlanta Adventist Academy has successfully made a transition from the conventional model of a school supported by a number of local churches in a metropolitan area to a hybrid on-line learning environment delivering instruction simultaneously on eight campuses. This multi-campus model using new technology provides an excellent solution for a number of other metropolitan areas where Adventist schools are struggling to survive.
This case study will be presented on a Webinar tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, April 24 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific time, 4:30 p.m. Eastern time) by Cynthia Gettys from Southern Adventist University and Matt Jones, the current principal of Atlanta Adventist Academy. Dr. Gettys is director of the Center for Teacher Excellence and Integrated Faith and Learning at SAU.
The Webinar will describe the steps taken by a transition team made up of academy administrators and conference officers to close a school, sell the property and reopen an academy in rented facilities within a period of six months. Current enrollment, after the change, is averaging 150 students.
This is another in a series of Webinars on Adventist education provided by the Center for Research on Adventist Education (CRAE) at La Sierra University. To participate, go to the following web link and click “Register.” Enter your information on the registration form and click “Submit.” You will receive a confirmation Email from CRAE at If you need assistance, contact CRAE by Email at